Chilika Lake is the largest Brakish water lagoon in India, spread over Odisha district of Ganjam. Chilika Lake has a unique ecosystem created by fresh water, brackish and diverse marine life assembly. In the year 1981 the lagoon was named as a “Ramsar Site” and place of International Significance.The lake is home to millions of different fish species which support local fishermen’s lives. Chilika lake spans 1,100 sq Km of distance and hosts a wide variety of flora and fauna.
Huge numbers of birds including Ospreys, Flamingoes, Sand Pipers, Golden Plovers, Gulls and many more come to this location for nesting.
There are many beautiful and serene islands that every year attract millions of tourists such as Honeymoon, Brunch, Somolo, Kalijal, Rajahansa and birds. All these islands serve as home to many fishermen, there are daily water bots available to visit this location.