- COVID-19 Food
- April 30, 2020
- 0
- 820

Government of India is taking all necessary steps to ensure that we are prepared well to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID-19 the Corona Virus. With active support of the people of India, we have been able to contain the spread of the Virus in our country. The most important factor in preventing the spread of the Virus locally is to empower the citizens with the right information and taking precautions as per the advisories being issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

State/UTs Helpline No.
Andaman and Nicobar : 03192-232102, 03192-234287
Andhra Pradesh : 0866-2410978
Arunachal Pradesh : 104
Assam : 104
Bihar : 0612-2217681, 0612-2233806, 104
Chandigarh : 0172-2752038, 0172-2752031, 0172-2704048
Chhattisgarh : 0771-282113, 0771-2446607, 0771-2440608
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman : 104, 1077, 0260-2642106, 0260-2630304
Daman and Diu : 104, 1077, 0260-2642106, 0260-2630304
Delhi : 011-22307145
Goa : 104
Gujarat : 079-23251900, 079-23251908, 104
Haryana : 0172-2545938
Himachal Pradesh : 0177-2628940, 0177-2629439, 104
Jammu and Kashmir : 0191-2549676, 0191-2520982, 0194-2440283, 0194-2452052, 0194-2457313
Jharkhand : 0651-2282201, 0651-2284185, 0651-223488, 181, 104
Karnataka : 080-46848600, 1075, 104
Kerala : 0471-2552056, 0471-25521056
Ladakh : 01982-256462, 01982-257416, 01982-258960
Lakshadweep : 104/ 04896-263742
Maharashtra : 022-22024535
Manipur : 1800-345-3818
Meghalaya : 108, 0364-2224100, 0364-2590623
Mizoram : 102
Madhya Pradesh : 104, 1075, 181,0755-2411180,0755-2704201, 0729-22344
Nagaland : 0370-2291122, 0370-2270338
Odisha : 104, 0674-2534177
Puducherry : 104, 1070, 1077, 0413-2253407
Punjab : 104
Rajasthan : 0141-2225000, 0141-2225624
Sikkim : 104, 03592-284444
Tamil Nadu : 0471-2552056, 0471-25521056
Telengana : 104, 040-23286100
Tripura : 0381-2315879, 0381-2412424, 0381-2413434
Uttar Pradesh : 0522-2237515
Uttarakhand : 104
West Bengal : 1800-313-444222, 033-23412600