Tags : died

Turmeric: The best beauty product for glowing skin

Indian cuisine without the turmeric powder is incomplete. Turmeric is commonly used as a flavouringAnd ingredient coloring in a number of Indian dishes. Indian wedding has a special featureCalled “Haldi” which is celebrated in the houses of the groom and of the bride. There is no relation between theHaldi, with cosmetic artificial goods. It is […]Read More

Premature Ejaculation-7 Foods to Handle

Food things we eat have different effects on our bodies, and our personal lives. Some foods in sexual life can cause harmful effects and some can help you solve the problem. Oyster: Oyster is high in Zinc and Vitamin B6. These compounds are responsible for the increased production of testosterone hormone, so oyster is a […]Read More

Chhena poda recipe – veg recipes of Odisha

The quintessential Odisha sweet dish. When cottage cheese is mixed with sugar, a very popular sweet dish of Odisha, chennapoda is prepared and put in a bowl to give it the round shape. It is then baked in an earthen oven which is covered with salt leaves. The burnt upper layer gives it that characteristic […]Read More
